About Us
The general library of the college remains as learning resource centre for the faculty members, administrative Staff, research scholars and students by catering to their varied needs. The library boasts 36500 books which are maintained properly by the department libraries and itself. Every year, some 800 books are added on to its collection. The general library also houses dailies, journals and magazines. The feedback from the users of the library testifies that they are cherishing the memories of having availed themselves of the service of this library, a treasure-trove of knowledge.

To create a student-centric learning environment that facilitates easy access to resources and provision of information and knowledge.
To explore and implement innovative technologies and services in delivering information to users.
• To offer required resources and quality service in support of teaching, learning and research needs for the students and faculty.
• To assist access to right information at the right time in an efficient way to produce scholars of great calibre.
• To introduce technology to render phenomenal service and facilitate access to resources anywhere within the campus.
Library Collections
Sl.No. | Books | Number |
1 | Total number of Books | 46223 |
2 | Total number of Titles | 13,500 |
3 | Total number of Text Books | 8500 |
5 | Total number of Reference and Other Books | 2890 |
6 | Total number of Competitive Exam Books | 600 |
8 | Total number of News Papers | 03 |
9 | Thesis / Dissertations | Maintained by dept. library |
10 | Total no of Journals/Periodicals | |
13 | E-Resources-NLIST |
All electronic resources subscribed under N-LIST Programme are available from the publisher’s Web site. Link : https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/vcollegestate.php
E-Journals (Fulltext)
Circulation Section
Reading Hall
Stack Area
Reference Section
Career Guidance Services
- Procurement of more number of Competitive Exam Books
- Subscription to more Magazines for Competitive Exams
- Display of notices from TNPSC, UPSC, RRB, SSC, BSRB etc.,
- More reference books on UGC NET / JRF / SET/ SLET Exams
- Offer of Motivational and Counseling sessions to the students who apply and prepare for the Competitive Exams
Existing Facilities
- INFLIBNET (which provides access to e-books, e-journals, articles and digital resources)
Rules and Regulation of the Library
- All the students studying at the college and staff members working at the College at present are members of the Library.
- The visitors of the library are expected to observe strict silence in the Library.
- The library is open from 8:25 am to 1:30 pm on all working days.
- The Library follows Open Access System.
- Users must affix their signature in the entry register / show their identity Card at the entry and exit points of the library.
- Users are not allowed to carry their own belongings inside the library.
- Files or folders are not allowed at any circumstance.
- Co-operation of users is solicited to keep the library premises Clean.
- Personal & non-library materials should not be left on the tables in the library.
- Since reading is the focal point of the library, students should not involve themselves in any activity that distracts and disturbs the concentration of the readers.
- Students using the library must behave themselves. Failure to observe the rules of the library will lead to severe disciplinary action against the offender.
- UG Students may borrow 1 book and PG Students may borrow 2 books at a time from the general library. They may borrow books from the department library too.
- Students can reserve a book if need be.
- Students should report about the damage in the books, to the librarian at the time of borrowing. Otherwise they will be held responsible for the damage of the books and they should incur the cost of the damage of books.
- Students may keep books for fourteen days from the date of issue. If the book is not returned on or before the due date, a fine of 1/- rupee per day (including holidays) will be levied. Books due on holidays must be returned (to avoid fine amount) on the following working day.
- Students will be held responsible for any damage or injury done to the books or other items belonging to the library and will be required to replace such books or items or pay the value thereof. If one book of a set is damaged, the whole set should be replaced.
- Books can be renewed if required at the time of its return. A second renewal can be made at the discretion of the librarian.
- Borrowing books from the general library during vacation will not be entertained.
- Students are not allowed to circulate the books among themselves. Violation of the rules will result in a suitable penal action against the offenders.
- The Librarian has the authority to call back any book for return, at any time even before the due date.
- “No-dues certificate” will be issued to students at the time of their leaving the institute only on return of all the materials borrowed and payment of overdue charges (if any) made.
- If the rules of the library are violated the library authorities can withdraw the library facilities to that particular individual at any time.
- Students will not be allowed to charge their laptops, mobile phones inside the library.
- Use of Cellular phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphones is strictly prohibited in the library.
- Students should show the books and other materials which are being taken out from the library to the library staff members at the entrance counter.
- Library will not be held responsible for any kind of loss / damage of the personal belongings of students visiting the library.
- For better use of the library or clarifications if any, the user can seek the help of the staff members concerned.
Library staff
Librarian:Dr. M. Grace, B.Sc., M.A., MLIS, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Library Committee
Dr. M. Grace, Librarian
Dr. P. Devaraj, Assistant Professor of Tamil
Ms. P. Ezhil, Assistant Professor of Computer Science