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IT Policy



Need for IT Policy

  • The main purpose of the policy is to define the appropriate uses of the internet by the students, faculty and staff of the Loganatha Narayanasamy Government College, Ponneri.
  • This policy applies to all Regular Faculty, Guest Lecturers, Lab staff, administrative staff, Students and Research Scholars who access the internet facility provided by the LNGC, Ponneri through Wired or WiFi networking.
  • This IT policy also applies to the resources administered by Library, Computer centers, Laboratories, Offices of the institute or wherever the network facility is provided by the institute.
  • All stakeholders are expected to comply with this policy.

Apply Procedure

  • Students: All the students have to submit an internet access request form to the Department head through their respective mentor.
  • Faculty/Staff: Faculty and staff members have to submit their duly signed request to the heads of the department head for getting access.

Usage Policy

  • Internet users of LNGC, Ponneri shall comply with applicable National/State/Cyber laws and rules like the laws of privacy, copyright, trademark, obscenity and pornography. The IT act 2000 prohibits hacking, cracking, spoofing and similar activities.
  • Users will be required to obtain the necessary authorization before using college connectivity.
  • Users will also be responsible for any activity originating from their account
  • Accounts and passwords should not be used, under any circumstances, by any other persons other than those to whom they have been assigned by the department.
  • Users shall not use the college network and connectivity to get unauthorized access to remote computers which may damage the operations of the College Network.
  • Prohibited Downloads
    • Any peer-to-peer file sharing application: Such applications may be used to utilize bandwidth inappropriately.
    • Further, applications contain adware or spyware, that collect information about a user’s Web surfing habits, change system settings, or place unwanted advertising on the local computer.
    • Any third-party personal antivirus or firewall is restricted since third-party firewalls may endanger the network.
    • Hacking tools of any sort on a college network is strictly prohibited.
    • Games & Movie trailers or previews are strictly prohibited.

WiFi Policy

  • College WiFi is enabled for each department individually with a distinct and dedicated password under the control of the head of the department.
  • The one who wants to avail the WiFi facility, has to submit an application through proper channel.

Web Site Hosting Policy

  • Official Pages
    • Departments, Cells, admin office may have pages on LNGC‘s official Web Site.
    • As on date, the e-governance team is responsible for maintaining the official website of the College viz., http://lngovernmentcollege.com
  • Personal Pages
    • Each individual faculty will have his/her pages. Faculty can avail their personal accounts to the official website of the college by sending a written request to the e-governance team.
    • Illegal or improper usage will result in the termination of the account.
    • The contents of personal pages must not violate any laws and regulations, must not constitute a copyright or trademark infringement, must not be used for commercial purposes, must not be used for political lobbying, and must not otherwise violate any local, state, or central government laws.
  • Responsibilities for updating Web Pages
    • Departments, cells and individuals are responsible for their information updation in their respective Web pages by contacting the e-governance team on time.

Database Policy

  • Database Policy relates to the databases maintained by the college.
  • Data is a vital resource, so its use must be protected even when the data may not be confidential.
  • LNGC is the data owner of the entire Institute’s data generated in the college.
  • Data administration is delegated to authorized persons in each department.
  • The data policies of the College do not allow the distribution of data that is identifiable to a person outside the college.
  • Data directly identifying a person and his/her personal information may not be distributed in any form to outside persons or agencies, including all government agencies and surveys and other requests for data.
  • Tampering of the database by the department or individual user comes under violation of IT policy.

       Tampering includes:

    • Modifying/deleting the data items or software components by using illegal access methods.
    • Causing database or hardware or system software crash thereby destroying the whole or part of the database deliberately with ulterior motives by any individual.
    • Trying to break the security of the Database servers.
    • Such data tampering actions by institute members or outside members will result in disciplinary action against the offender by the institute authorities.


Management Information System of the college comprises of

  • Employee Information Management System.
  • Students Information Management System.
  • Controller of Examinations Management System.


  • Users found violating this policy may be denied access to the LNGC network for a minimum period of six months and may be subject to other penalties and disciplinary action.
  • The  e-governance team may suspend, block or restrict the access to an account, to protect the security, integrity or functionality of the network


  • LNGC, Ponneri reserves the right, without notice, to limit or restrict individual’s use and to inspect, copy, remove or otherwise alter any data, file or system which is used in violation of LNGC, Ponneri rules and policies.
  • LNGC, Ponneri disclaims any responsibility for loss of data or inference with files resulting from its effort to maintain security and privacy
  • LNGC, Ponneri also reserves the right to examine any system and other usage and account activity history as necessary to protect its computing facilities.
  • LNGC, Ponneri reserves the right to amend these policies at any time without prior notice and to take necessary action to comply with applicable laws.